Course: Main Dish

Easy Gumbo Recipe (Instant Pot)

Easy Gumbo Recipe (Instant Pot)

I bought Laurie an InstaPot for Christmas last year. She uses it quite a bit (unlike a lot of the gadgets I’ve bought for her over the years!). We also like Cajun food and I am especially fond of good gumbo. So when she showed…

Better Baked Ziti ++

Better Baked Ziti ++

We used to watch Mr. Food on the noon news. “Oh, it’s sooo good” was his catch phrase. And this recipe is. Laurie tells me we used to make this all the time, but my feeble memory doesn’t remember. But she just made it last…

Teriyaki Burgers

Teriyaki Burgers

This one is a family favorite. We inherited it from our friend and pastor Scott, via some other friends. It gets requested on a regular basis by our sons, friends, other family, etc. It’s a great spin on burgers and the leftovers save well

Teriyaki Burgers
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
6 burgers 15 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 burgers 15 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Teriyaki Burgers
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
6 burgers 15 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 burgers 15 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Servings: burgers
  1. Mix it all up and grill the burgers until done to desired doneness (we prefer them more well-done)
Recipe Notes

If you use more evaporated milk, the meat/burger mixture will tend to be a little softer and harder to work with. The "2 tbsp version" seems to be a lot easier than the original amount of 1/4 cup. We cook these on a George Foreman grill. If you try to do it on a grill with a grate that the burgers could fall through, you're liable to have some casualties from the soft burgers "leaking through" the grate. You might want to use a griddle or cast iron or the Foreman kind of cooker for them.