Better Baked Ziti ++
Sounds like it’s old-fashioned difficult but it’s really one of the easiest (and least expensive) ways to feed a whole gang. They’ll love it this way ’cause for some reason this one seems richer and smoother than the regular ones. And look, five simple ingredients!
Servings Prep Time
8people 20minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
8people 20minutes
Cook Time
  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Pre-cook/brown the Italian sausage, mix it with the spaghetti sauce, and set it aside. In a large pot, cook ziti in boiling water until just barely tender; drain and place in a large bowl; Mix the ricotta cheese and half the mozzarella cheese plus the spinach with the ziti. Grease a 9″ X 13″ baking pan; cover bottom of pan with half the spaghetti/meat sauce. Spoon the ziti mixture into the pan; cover with the remaining spaghetti/meat sauce. Sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese and top with the remaining mozzarella cheese. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until cheese melts and is lightly golden.
Recipe Notes

NOTE from the Mr Food cookbook: I especially like the new hearty-style prepared spaghetti sauces with this and when I don’t have ziti-shaped pasta on hand, I simply substitute other shapes

NOTE from Bill:  The Italian sausage is optional. If you don’t want to use meat sauce, just omit the meat…